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发布人:张艺芳  发布时间:2024-05-13   浏览次数:10




报告题目:Simultaneous Recovery of Point Sources and Obstacles from Cauchy Data

报告摘要:  A numerical method is developed for recovering both the source locations and the obstacle from the scattered Cauchy data of the time-harmonic acoustic field. First, the incident and scattered components are decomposed from the Cauchy data by representing the single-layer potentials and the solution to the resulting linear integral system. As a consequence of this decomposition, the original problem of joint inversion is reformulated into two decoupled subproblems. Then, two sampling-type schemes are proposed to recover the shape of the obstacle and the source locations, respectively. The error estimates of the decoupling procedure are established. Numerical experiments are also conducted to verify the performance of the sampling schemes.




报告题目:Simultaneous recovery of an obstacle and its excitation sources from phaseless scattering data

报告摘要: This talk concerns reconstructing an acoustic obstacle and its excitation sources from the phaseless near-field measurements. By supplementing some artificial sources to the inverse scattering system, this co-inversion problem can be decoupled into two inverse problems: an inverse obstacle scattering problem and an inverse source problem, and the corresponding uniqueness can be established. The features of this decoupling technique and the inversion schemes will be illustrated. Several numerical examples will also be presented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.


报告人简介:吉林大学2138cn太阳集团古天乐教授,博士生导师。1998年毕业于吉林大学2138cn太阳集团古天乐信息与计算科学专业,获学士学位,2004年毕业于吉林大学数学研究所计算数学专业,获理学博士学位。目前研究领域为数学物理反问题,主要方向为波动方程反散射问题的数值分析与计算。已在“Inverse Problems”“Advances in Computational Mathematics”和“Journal of Computational Physics”等期刊发表多篇SCI检索学术论文,其中一篇论文入选反问题领域国际著名期刊“Inverse Problems”2017年度“亮点论文”(Editorial Highlights),另一篇入选该期刊2018年度“Top论文”(Editor-in-Chief’s top article selection)并荣获英国物理学会高被引论文奖。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目四项。