受理学院数学系马坚伟教授邀请,优化领域专家、南京大学数学系何炳生教授将于10月12日到10月15日到我校进行学术交流与访问讲学。讲学内容关于凸优化收缩算法的简单统一与应用,所提出的交替方向法在图像处理、压缩感知、反问题等领域应用甚广。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。 报告题目 1. 变分不等式框架下线性约束凸优化问题的PPA 算法 10月12号:9:30-11:00,诚意楼A215 2. 结构型凸优化问题的交替方向法与应用 10月14号:9:30-11:00, 诚意楼A203 3.三个可分离算子凸优化的略有改动的交替方向法 10月15号:15:00-17:00, 诚意楼A215 报告人简介: Prof. Hereceived the Ph.D degree in applied mathematics from University Wuerzburg, Germany, in 1986. Since 1987 he is with the Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University. His research area includes the computational mathematics and optimization. Hehas published over 60 refereed journal articles, including on major journals such asMathematical Programming, SIAM J. Optimization, SIAM J. Numerical Analysis, SIAM J. Imaging Science, SIAM J. Matrix Theory and Applications, IMA Numerical Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications andJOTA. His main interest is to construct computational methods which are relative easy to understand for engineers. He authored four highly cited papers which are recognized by ISI and received ISI Citation Classic Award. Most recently, Prof. He interested in the area of data science, and has three published SIAM papers which belong to the most read articles of SIAM Journals. http://math.nnju.edu.cn/~hebma |